
Kit pick-up

While looking for a J-5 to mould I was lucky to get to know Karl via the internet. He is a former J-5 builder and had a second, almost complete J-5 kit on the attic. Without going into details: The kit had to be transported and temporary stored.


My friend Peter was so kind to pick the kit up for me with the clubs ASK21 trailer. Using lots of foam, rope and tape everything got secured safely.


Fuselage body shell

Lots of dust from almost 30 years of storage! Removing this was real work!


Peter securing the fuselage shell

Can you imagine aviation without rope and tape?



The wings are only 3,50 m long (~12 ft) and super lightweight!



One day this will be two ailerons. The ASK21 horizontal stabilizer holder is perfect to hold it while being on the road.


temporary storage

Wolfgang was very kind to provide me a place in his glider container to temporary store the J-5 kit.

Glider container

The J-5 had to wait there for me to arrive. But first I had to take care of our new home after the move, setting up the glider workshop and giving my DG400 it's annual maintenance.



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